UTEK 2025



January 18-19    •    UOFT ST.GEORGE CAMPUS 

What is UTEK?

UTEK is U of T's flagship engineering competition, held annually over a weekend in November! The competitions challenge a wide variety of skills both technical and communicative while giving students the opportunity to network with academia and industry professionals. Competition winners are given the opportunity to compete at the provincial level at the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC), and potentially at the national level at the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC). As a competitor, you can choose to tackle 1 of 8 categories by signing up on your own or in a team! Beyond a competition, UTEK 2025 will also have opportunities for you to interact with industry professionals and companies related to your competition through networking events!

Learn More

2025 Kompetitions Handbook is coming soon!

Read our Handbook to learn about the details of this year's competitions.

8 Kompetitions, 1 Weekend

Each competition provides you an opportunity to directly interact with the student community and learn and build your skills! There are 8 kompetition categories for you to choose from! Make sure to check out the pre-competion workshops and past-problem statements to help you prepare!


Each competitor or team can compete in 1 of the 8 different kompetition categories! All participants must be enrolled in an undergraduate engineering program at the University of Toronto. 


Weekend-long Kompetitions

Participants in these categories receive their problem at the beginning of the competition on Saturday and (if continuing to the next round,) present their final solution on Sunday!

Senior Design

3rd & 4th year students only

Participants work in teams of 4 to address a complex engineering problem over 8 to 10 hours using Arduino Robotic kits. Teams are evaluated on features such as novelty, practicality, & usability.

Junior Design

1st & 2nd year students only

Participants work in teams of 4 to develop a solution to a creative design problem using affordable materials. Does not involve electrical components or programming. Teams present their prototypes and are evaluated on criteria such as effectiveness, originality, and scalability.


All undergraduate students

Participants work in teams of 4 to develop a solution explained through a report and presentation while considering its environmental, economic, and technical effects. The competition ranges from 4 to 8 hours and requires the submission of a concise technical document and presentation.


All undergraduate students

Participants work in teams of 4 to solve a problem that can be addressed through a software solution over 6 to 8 hours. Teams are evaluated based on criteria such as the practicality, ease-of-use, and capability of their coded solution. Teams go on to present their code and its application.


All undergraduate students

Participants are challenged to take an existing engineering concept or technology and provide improvements on the original design to suit an alternate application. In teams of 2, participants must develop a concise technical document and presentation.


Single-Day Kompetitions

Participants in these categories will have prepared their project or presentation before the competition weekend and compete only on the Sunday of UTEK.

Innovative Design

All undergraduate students

Before the competition weekend, participants work in teams of up to 6 to create an innovative product, process, or service to address a market need. The teams are evaluated based on novelty and economic feasibility of their design.

Parliamentary Debate

All undergraduate students

Participants work in teams of 2 to debate an engineering related resolution in parliamentary debate structure. Judges evaluate participants on their ability to defend their stance through logic and reasoning. Debate topics are general enough to not require detailed prior knowledge of the subject matter.


All undergraduate students

Participants work in teams of 2 to come prepared with a half-hour presentation explaining an engineering or scientific concept in simplified terms. Judges evaluate the participant’s ability to coherently and concisely communicate their point.

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